What do you feel are our strong points?
"Good, caring staff who always have time to talk to children and parents."
"Good facilities and a great mix of creative daily activities."
"Very friendly and approachable staff."
"Creating a calm and well organised setting."
"Sense of community and understanding of pressures faced by parents with the willingness to be flexible and help where possible."
"Multiple rooms for the babies with imaginative décor"
"Key staff are very knowledgeable."
"All staff are caring and open to children and parents."
"Excellent room layouts."
"You are very creative in the way children learn and encourage them to try new things."
"Communication with the parents and highly qualified staff."
"I love the books coming home and so does my child – he is always excited to read it at bedtime."
"Newsletters, Facebook and photos are all great."
"Coffee mornings are a lovely thing to go to as a family!"
"Helping parents when needed, even at short notice"
"Always listening and putting the children first"
"Ethos – learning through play, lots of activities and projects e.g. space project"
"Continually striving to better the environment – much better now there are only 3 classes (more space!)"